Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Olivia...this is for you

O.K. Mote thinks I can add some funny to the blogosphere...I tend to think she is a wee-bit crazy, but here goes...

I'm Steph, (Stephanie to be formal, B.P. to some, Stephie to none). I have a fantastic, wonderful family (include shout-out to Mom, Dad, Dani and hundreds of other relatives here). I am a recent grad of FSU (Go Noles!) and I am currently a graduate student at Miami University of Ohio studying Comparative Religion. No, I am not going to be a minister, nun, rabbi, or theologian. I study American Religious Culture, and as I have yet to find an area of society/culture that does not fit into this category, I study everything.
I am quite obsessed with musicals, Harry Potter, movies, The Office, Disney, Gilmore Girls...I am a Puritanical New Englander who grew up in the South and recently moved to the Midwest Stars vices are soda, sweets, and cursing, although I have been known to use words like "poppycock" and "sugarpops" instead of bullshit or fuck... I am not truly appropriate for children although my tastes resemble that of a 13 year old "tween."
I am Galinda from Wicked, I am a super-organized grad student with exceptional secretarial skills, I am happy-go-lucky, I am always looking on the bright side, I am sunshine, I have been known to turn poop into lemonade, and a recent professor said that the day I stop smiling he will know the Rapture is at hand...
I am NOT flighty, ditsy, or unrealistic: I just think the world needs a little more happiness and positive thinking.
I have superb friends, many of them besties, and I try my hardest to stay in touch while far-away. Perhaps this will give them their daily does of StephBrehm...

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